Hosting 4 Less is housed in a secure data center offering reliable uptime and connectivity to the Internet backbone via multiple gigabit connections. Our network is connected via Direct Peering to Tier 1 Internet Providers and Major players such as Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and hundreds of other Cloud and Internet Service Providers. Your website, when housed on our network, will ride optimized paths to its destination.
Having great connectivity is not everything, however; you also need to know how to direct the traffic correctly. That is where BGP comes into play making sure our traffic is sent down the quickest and shortest path. With over 800,000+ routes your data will get to its destination!
A great backbone to the Internet is pointless if you have a poor internal network. Hosting 4 Less incorporates a fully duplexed multi gigabit segmented internal network which ensures your traffic getting out to the Internet with no internal bottlenecks.
Even with all these wonderful features, we also incorporate important fail-safe measures. All network systems are backed up by UPS’s & generators to ensure all of our customers, that in the event of a local power failure your data can still be sent out to its destination, and your website can still be accessed.