Hosting 4 Less specializes in high quality web hosting services. Since our inception in 1998, our web hosting service has never been a reseller of another web hosting provider. We are proud to say we own and operate our own web hosting facilities and network. We are pleased to offer low cost web hosting services starting at $19.95 a month. Sign up with Hosting 4 Less, a reliable web hosting service that cares about your business, and will make your web hosting experience a pleasant one. Please give us a call at 1.888.818.0444 if you have any questions about our web hosting services.
There is a popular trend among web hosting companies these days to make some unbelievable claims. They offer “unlimited” web hosting plans that promise infinite amounts of space & bandwidth. Obviously, no one can really do that. Hosting 4 Less offers clear, easy to understand web hosting plans that offer more space and bandwidth than you’re ever likely to need. If you’re serious about web hosting, we’re confident you’ll understand the difference! The honest approach we choose by meaning what we say is a refreshing change to the status quo in web hosting.
Our shared web hosting service are our most economical and basic web hosting solution. Hosting 4 Less offers 2 versions of our shared web hosting plans for you to choose from.
Do you have a website that has many visitors and/or requires large amounts of web space or bandwidth? Then our High Bandwidth Web Hosting plans are the choice for you.
Hosting 4 Less has and will never outsource our customer service. We are located in Los Angeles, California and here to serve you our valued clients with US Based quality and efficiency. We offer toll free phone support across all our web hosting services.